Yn Seion/Sïon mae cyfraith ragorol

(Uniondeb y gyfraith; Crist yn ei hanrhydeddu.)
Yn Sïon mae cyfraith ragorol,
  Gan Dduw yno'n rheol fe'i rhoed;
Un weddus, ddaionus i ddynion;
  Ni fu deddf mor union erioed:
Dim mwy a dim llai na chyfiawnder
  Ni ofyn, ni chymmer ychwaith:
Heb fod gyd âg Iesu mewn undeb,
  Ni dderbyn ein gwyneb na'n gwaith.

Pe byddai fy ngolwg yn berffaith,
  Mi welwn y gyfraith bob gair,
Mor eglur y gallwn bob mynyd
  Ei darllen ym mywyd Mab Mair;
Ac hefyd wrth ddarllen y gyfraith
  Mi welwn Dduw perffaith heb ball;
Os Iesu, neu'r gyfraith, a welwn,
  Y naill a ddarllenwn drwy'r llall.

Gwel'd cleddyf cyfiawnder yn deffro
  Oedd ryfedd i daraw Mab Duw!
Gwneud T'wysog y nef yn anafus,
  Er mwyn i rai beius gael byw:
Dysgleirdeb gogoniant, ac union
  Wir lun Person tirion
      y Tad,
Yn ngafael deddf, fanwl ofynion,
  I ni ddod yn rhyddion yn rhad.

Cyflawnwyd y gyfraith i gyd,
  Fe ddofwyd ei llid heb ein lladd;
Cyfiawnder wrth
    hir ofyn iawn,
  Ei daliad yn gyflawn a ga'dd:
Cyfiawnder a'r gyfraith sydd 'nawr
  Yn edrych ilawr yn ddilid;
Mae'r priodoliaethau mewn hedd
  Yn gwaeddi trugaredd i gyd.

              - - - - -
(Y Gyfraith yn Seion)
Yn Seion mae cyfraith ragorol,
  Gan Dduw yno'n rheol fe'i rhoed;
Un weddus, ddaionus i ddynion;
  Ni bu deddf mor union erioed:
Dim mwy a dim llai na chyfiawnder
  Ni ofyn, ni chymmer ychwaith:
Heb fod gyda'r Iesu mewn undeb,
  Ni dderbyn ein gwyneb na'n gwaith.

Pe byddai fy ngolwg yn berffaith,
  Mi welwn y gyfraith i gyd,
A gallwn ei darllen yn wastad
  Yn rhodiad Gwarewr y byd:
Ac hefyd wrth ddarllen y gyfraith,
  Canfyddwn Dduw perffaith
      heb ball;
Os Iesu, neu'r gyfraith a welwn,
  Y naill a ddarllenwn drwy'r llall.
Edward Jones 1761-1836

Tonau [9898D]:
Elliot (John Ellis 1760-1834)
Naples (<1876)
Treffynnon (<1835)

Cyflawnwyd y gyfraith i gyd
Gwel'd cleddyf cyfiawnder yn deffro
Wrth gofio'i riddfannau'n yr ardd

(The Unity of the law; Christ honouring it.)
In Zion is the excellent law,
  By God as a rule there it is given;
An appropriate one,
  There never was such an upright law:
No more and no less than righteousness
  Not asking, not taking either:
Apart from being with Jesus in unity,
  He does not receive our face or our work.

If my view were perfect,
  I would see the law every word,
So clearly I could every minute
  Read it in the life of the Son of Mary;
And also on reading the law
  I would see God perfectly without fading;
If Jesus, or the law, I would see,
  The one I would read through the other.

To see the sword of righteousness awakening
  Was wonderful to strike the Son of God!
Making the Prince of heaven wounded,
  In order for those at fault to get to live:
Shining glory, and a direct
  True picture of the tender Person
      of the Father,
In the grasp of the law, detailed questions,
  For us to come free graciously.

All the law was fulfilled,
  Its wrath was tamed without killing us;
Righteousness while long
    demanding satisfaction,
  Its payment fully it got:
Righteousness and the law are now
  Looking down without wrath;
The attributes in peace are
  All shouting Mercy.

                 - - - - -
(The Law in Zion)
In Zion is the excellent law,
  By God there as a rule he gave it;
An appropriate one, full of goodness to men;
  There never was a law so upright:
No more and no less than righteousness
  Not asking, nor taking either:
Apart from being with Jesus in unity,
  He does not receive our face or our work.

If my view were perfect,
  I would see the all the law,
And I would be able to read it constantly
  As the gift of the Deliverer of the world:
And also on reading the law,
  I would discover God perfectly
      without fading;
If Jesus, or the law I would see,
  The one I would read through the other.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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